Thursday, October 31, 2019

MasterCard Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MasterCard Risk Assessment - Essay Example BRAM (Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation) program addresses all the illegal and damaging activities that are affiliated to the use of MasterCard. The program offers and delivers appropriate compliance standards required for safeguarding the use of the company’s services. Risk management usually promotes cost cutting in terms of insurance costs and operational costs that any financial organization often deals with when it comes to identifying and curbing fraud within the MasterCard financial systems (King, 2001). The BRAM (Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation) program was developed by the MasterCard Company in order to minimize the industry and economic risk that comes with the use of MasterCard branded and affiliated cards. One of the economic risks posed on the system include the loss of clients who are not satisfied with the system operation, which subsequently leads to revenue loss for the firm. Addressing end user reliability of the MasterCard system is a vital objective for the MasterCard Company. System reliability can be achieved via ensuring there is constant testing and regular monitoring of the network system. The program warrants compliance through mandating and encouraging access control measures for the network system. Implementing and maintaining a strong security policy aids in protecting the clients information by boosting data security through the management of network systems utilized by the company and safeguarding then from unauthorized access (Gibson, 2004). Additionally, the set policies should limit any form of compromise that would arise even within the company itself, for example, selling of insider information. The payment card industry has common industrial risks for all the companies that deal in payment systems using cards, that is, ensuring constant information security and availability of services or resources to subscribes at all times and places. The BRAM

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Three different Venues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Three different Venues - Essay Example {?##y?y>#?##Ba#g#e#n#.###?d#o#c######D#a#n#i#d###?a# #C#o#p#e###n#h#DANIDA~1DOC #`#Vp?|?###Vp?#)#?##B1#.#d#o#c###?#####R#a#i#r#i###? #C#e#n#t#r###e#-#RAIRIC~1DOC #C?Vp?|?##?Vp?A)#?##?WRD0886TMP #@}?}?##?@}?(5#?X#Dm#.#d#o#c#########i#s#e#d#,####2#5#m#m#m#m###m#m##2#[#2#]#t####o# #b#e# #r###e#v##5#9#3#9#4####2#_#_#5#9#3###9#4#593942~2DOC #ty?}?##y>#*##~WRL2621TMP##!SIt?t?##x?t#####Bc#####"###5#9#3#9#4###"2#_#r#e#v#.###d#o#593942~3DOC ##z?{?##?#z>#(##Ba#n#t#.#z###?i#p######5#9#3#9#4###?2#_#i#m#p#o###r#t#593942~1ZIP!#m?{?##m?)#T#Cy#1#.#z#i###?p######a#t#i#o#n###?_#s#e#c#u#r###i#t##5#9#3#9#4###?2#_#i#n#f#o###r#m#593942~2ZIP!#Zm?{?##m?w##?##Cy#2#.#z#i###?p######a#t#i#o#n###?_#s#e#c#u#r###i#t##5#9#3#9#4###?2#_#i#n#f#o###r#m#593942~3ZIP!#?Um?{?##m?G ?*##Cy#3#.#z#i###Rp######a#t#i#o#n###R_#s#e#c#u#r###i#t##5#9#3#9#4###R2#_#i#n#f#o###r#m#593942~4ZIP!##?m?{?##m ?N##?WRL0995TMP##6}?}?##?6}/#?X#AD#a#t#a#b###/a#s#e#.#d#o###c###DATABASEDOC #?#?m?{?###?m #?##AO#d#o#r#o###$.#d#o#c#x#####ODORO~1 DOC # I/?q?{?##?@r?##?v##B.#V#O#B########H#e#a#d# ###?o#f# #s#t#a###t#e#HEADOF~1VOB #xz?{?##o!h4?>#4?HE200~2DOC #?Im?u?##m##?##Cc########a#t#i#o#n###? #f#o#r#m#.###d#o##M#e#n#t#e###?e# #a#p#p#l###i#c#MENTEE~1DOC #pqVp?|?##rVp?#)####A6#0#1#4#9###s3#r#e#v#.#d###o#c#601493~1DOC #?"#{?{?##$#{Q#?##Be#c#u#r#i####t#y#.#d#o#c######I#n#f#o#r####m#a#t#i#o#n### #S#INFORM~1DOC #?;?m?}?##?#n##? #Bo#c########5#9#4#2#8###?7#.#.#.#r#d###.#d#594287~3DOC ##?%|?}?##?%|?#,#?##?AJORR~1DOC #D?n?r?##Ð ¢n/#?##Bn#d#.#d#o###?c######J#o#u#r#n###?a#l#i#s#m# ###F#u#JOURNA~1DOC #d?Vp?{?##?Vp?L)#?##Bo#n#.#d#o###@c######M#a#r#a# ###@F#o#u#n#d#a###t#i#MARAFO~1DOC #Vp?{?##?Vp?U)#?##BS#S#E#S#S###?M#E#N#T#.#d###o#c##E#D#A#R#A###?T#E#C# #O#D### #A#EDARAT~1DOC #?UWp?{?##WWp?$##? #Ci#p#####!###0#1#1#_#1###!1#_#1#5#_#2###.#z##a#t#t#a#c###!h#m#e#n#t#s###_#2#ATTACH~1ZIP ##gWp?{?###Wp)a^##Bd#o#c##### ###5#9#4#2#6### 5#,#,#,#r#e###v#.#594265~1DOC #?g+|?}?##h+|?S

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Biological Causes Of Bipolar Disorder Psychology Essay

Biological Causes Of Bipolar Disorder Psychology Essay Bipolar disorder is likely one of the most difficult diagnoses to receive in terms of living a normal life. As a psychological disorder, or more specifically, a mood disorder, its typical age of onset is in the early twenties, and its prevalence is between one and two percent worldwide. The disorder is characterized by an alternation between mania and depression, as well as poor impulse control, attention deficits, and impairments of verbal memory. Intensity of the manic state in a bipolar patient determines whether they are diagnosed with bipolar I or bipolar II. Those with classic, full-fledged mania have bipolar I, where as those with a less extensive version involving anxiety or irritability, sometimes referred to as hypomania, have bipolar II (Kalat, 2013). Causes of the illness are not always clear, but one or a combination of factors such as neurochemical factors, environmental factors, and genetics usually play a part in the development of bipolar disorder (Bressert, 2007). Genetics are an essential factor, as bipolar disorder is a very biologically based illness. Certain genes have been shown to increase the risk of developing bipolar II disorder, and also some genes associated with a predisposition to major depression predispose to bipolar disorder. However, no definitive relationships exist between these genes and bipolar disorder (Kalat, 2013). Various statistics have been obtained through research as far as chances of developing bipolar disorder based on its prevalence within a family. For example, the risk of the illness is between fifteen and twenty-five percent for those with a parent who has bipolar disorder. Furthermore, the risk for someone whose non-identical twin has the condition is twenty-five percent, which increases eightfold if they are identical twins (Bressert, 2007). Biological Causes Overview Here is an overview of many different factors that are biological in nature and have implications in bipolar disorder, some of which will be explored in further detail later. As a primarily biological illness, the improper functioning of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and likely many others has been identified as a cause (Bressert, 2007). Another interesting biological factor includes the brains increased use of glucose throughout a manic episode and its decreased use of glucose during depressive episodes (Kalat, 2013). Studies analyzing the reelin gene which helps in brain function and development have found that there is a link between the dysfunction of the reelin gene and psychiatric disorders, specifically schizophrenia, and more importantly for this paper, bipolar disorder (Ovadia, 2011). On a side note, there have also been studies which have found a gene that may provide some sort of protection against bipolar disorder. It is called GRIK4, and as a kainate-type ionotropic glutamate receptor is part of the glutamate neurotransmission process (Pickard, 2006). Another interesting indicator of bipolar disorder was found using sensory gating, and involves the P85 gating ratio (Patterson, 2009). Relating to the circadian rhythm aspect of the disorder and how disruption of this due to the disorder can be a cause of the manic and depressive states in bipolar patients, there have been some studies. The results of one study found an association between the NR1D1 and GSK3ÃŽÂ ² variants and differences in functioning of the expression of genes related to the circadian clock system (McCarthy, 2011). An association specific to rapid cycling bipolar disorder involves the gene variation of CRY2, a clock gene (Sjà ¶holm, 2010). A biological marker related to gluten sensitivity has been discovered which showed that those with bipolar disorder have increased levels of IgG antibodies to gliadin (Dickerson, 2011). Finally, a recent study looked into gene expression in  lymphoblastoid cells, which could be a possible biological marker of bipolar disorder (Kato, 2011). Overall, it seems that there are still many questions as far as biological causes of the disorder, though progress tow ards the specifics of those markers is definitely being made. Circadian Rhythm Factors The bodys natural circadian rhythm is affected in those with bipolar disorder. This has been discovered by McCarthy et al. (2011) through research into the effects of a certain treatment, lithium. It has been shown that lithium affects the function of circadian rhythm with the goal of treating the disorder. Further research conveys issues with functioning of the circadian rhythm that lithium seems to treat. According to one study, positive lithium response is predicted by the combination of variants within GSK3ÃŽÂ ² and NR1D1. This shows that in bipolar patients, lithium affects circadian clock genes, specifically NR1D1 and GSK3ÃŽÂ ², in an attempt to alter circadian rhythms. Also, a transcription of NR1D1, called Rev-ErbÃŽÂ ±, functions as a clock signaling molecule which is important as it is degraded by lithiums inhibition of GSK3ÃŽÂ ². Lithium also can lengthen the natural circadian rhythm and regulate the stability and turnover of proteins within the clock mechanism (McCarthy, 2011). Therefore, it is fairly clear that lithium affects the circadian rhythm of bipolar patients. This is interesting from a biological standpoint so that further research can be done into which clock genes dont function properly due to the disorder, or if their dysfunction is what causes the disorder. As Sjà ¶holm et al. (2010) found, rapid cycling in bipolar disorder relates to a specific circadian gene, called Chryptochrome 2 (CRY2), which is a main part of the pathway responsible for the bodys roughly twenty-four hour cycle. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for associations to bipolar I and II and bipolar with rapid cycling led to analysis of haplotypes only for the rapid cycling cases. Rapid cycling patients were focused on since their circadian rhythms were hypothesized to be more vulnerable. Haplotypes of CRY2 that indicated risk and protection were discovered in the study of bipolar patients. AAAC and AGGA were haplotypes found frequently in the rapid cycling bipolar patients, and GGAC was a haplotype found much less frequently in rapid cycling patients. This provided evidence for the conclusions that CRY2 is involved in bipolar disorder, and more specifically, which haplotypes lead to protection from or risk of the disorder (Sjà ¶holm, 2010). Assessment of more clock genes was completed by Yang et al. (2009), in which rhythmic expression patterns were examined and some interesting results were reached. Fibroblasts of bipolar patients and healthy controls were analyzed during the study. The amount of expression for half of the genes being studied, BMAL1, REVERBa and DBP, was less in the bipolar patients than the controls, in addition to the mRNA expression levels in two of the genes, DEC2 and DBP. Next, four kinases were examined for mRNA expression levels, and two of the four, GSK3a and GSK3b, were examined for phosphorylation and protein levels. Results were that in GSK3b, the level of phosphorylation was much less in bipolar patients than in the controls. Overall, while nothing is made absolutely clear by this study, there is substantial evidence that circadian genes in bipolar patients are expressed differently than those in mentally healthy individuals. This difference may contribute to dysregulation of other genes do wn the pathway, which in turn might explain some of the issues that bipolar patients have, relating to their circadian clock (Yang, 2009). Therefore, circadian rhythms are a main component in bipolar disorder, and the more that becomes understood, the better that aspect of the illness can be treated in the future. For now, it seems to be mainstream knowledge that maintaining a constant sleep schedule can help these symptoms of the disorder, but soon there may be better options for those that suffer with this frustrating disorder (Kalat, 2013). Neurological Factors Functional flaws in the neurological systems of bipolar disorder patients are implied in the emotional impairment of those with the illness, according to Phillips et al. (2008). Since regulating emotions is a vital part of being able to function in modern society, bipolar patients are posed with a particularly difficult dysregulation. Neuroscience examining youth development of emotion regulation in their neural systems is key, as advances made in this area could help target predisposed individuals and intervene to possibly prevent the development of bipolar disorder. Structural and functional abnormalities in those with the disorder may be valuable biomarkers with the potential of earlier detection and more successful treatment. This would be a very relevant and applicable result for bipolar disorder specifically, since it is often discovered once it is too late for a successful treatment plan, or misdiagnosed altogether (Phillips, 2008). Areas of the prefrontal cortex that are involved in control processes such as regulation of emotions, and decision making are stated by Phillips et al. (2008) and include the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (MdPFC), anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) (Phillips, 2008). Networks involving the orbitofrontal cortex and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex allow for coordination of sensory integration and visceral control of prominent emotional information and also assist emotional behavior regulation. The amygdala is also connected to the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate gyrus according to a study by Ghashghaei et al. (2007), with implications involving focus on motivationally relevant stimuli. Studies have also shown less activity in the left side of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, specifically in automatic emotion regulation involved regions, throughout mania and remis sion in bipolar adults. Also, significantly reduced activity within the left sides of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex throughout automatic attention and emotion regulation in bipolar adults. Overall, the neurodevelopment of bipolar disorder is quite obviously complex, but it is evident that abnormalities in regions of the left side prefrontal cortex as well as the left side hippocampus and parahippocampus, at least in childhood bipolar disorder, are present and should be further examined. (Phillips, 2008). According to Craddock et al. (2010) after analysis of a Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium study, a gene that encodes the GABA receptor ÃŽÂ ²1 subunit, GABRB1 contained a significantly associated polymorphism, based on an analysis of bipolar patients and controls. After further studies they determined that variation within the GABA receptor genes can contribute towards risk of bipolar disorder. Therefore, this is yet another implication of a neurologically related issue in bipolar disorder patients, this time concerning a factor that could be related to alcohol issues and things of that nature in those with bipolar disorder (Craddock, 2010). According to Yuan-Hwa et al. (2010), midbrain binding of serotonin transporter (SERT) has been shown to be decreased in those in the depressive state of bipolar disorder in previous positron emission tomography studies. In the study completed by Yuan-Hwa et al., the goal was to analyze if the same dysfunction would apply to those in the euthymic state of the disorder. The study was conducted by using two rating systems, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and Young Mania Rating Scale, with a less than ten score or less than seven score, respectively, over an eight week period classifying a euthymic state. To measure the midbrain binding of serotonin transporter, Yuan-Hwa et al. used single photon emission computed tomography and the radiotracer 123I-ADAM. Representing the availability serotonin transporter binding within the midbrain, the main outcome measured was speci ¬Ã‚ c uptake ratio (SUR) (Yuan-Hwa, 2010). Results included dramatically lower averaged specific uptake ratios for bipolar I patients than for bipolar II patients or healthy individuals according to Yuan-Hwa et al. (2010). There was also a strong correlation of decreased specific uptake ratios in bipolar I patients with illness duration. This means that there is a different biological regulation mechanism in bipolar I patients than in bipolar II patients following stable treatment, which could make a case for dichotomy in bipolar disorder (Yuan-Hwa, 2010). Overall, neurotransmitters and other neurological system factors play a large role in understanding bipolar disorder of various types and could potentially lead to diagnosis and treatment of the illness earlier rather than later, when it has the best chance at being successful. If one thing is clear related to the neurological piece of this bipolar puzzle, it is that abnormalities and decreased levels of functioning are present, and need to be further understood if progress toward better management of this disorder is going to take place. Miscellaneous Factors There are many other various factors that have biological implications in bipolar disorder. In this section, they will be discussed one by one. From protective factors to biomarkers that may increase risk, they will be explored in detail. The first factor concerns a certain kainate-type ionotropic glutamate receptor that is part of the glutamate neurotransmission process, called GRIK4, according to Pickard et al. (2006). Regarding bipolar disorder, a two single nucleotide polymorphism haplotype of the gene proved to be the most significant. Results regarding the haplotype inferred a protective quality towards bipolar disorder. Also, Pickard et al. identified multiple individual haplotypes from markers four to eight, which subsequently associated with a protective quality regarding bipolar disorder, even though that region did not appear within the global analysis (Pickard, 2006). Therefore, it is clear that this gene has properties which protect the individual from developing bipolar disorder. Regarding the reelin gene (RELN), which helps in brain function and development, Ovadia and Shifman (2011) have found that there is a link between the dysfunction of the gene and psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder. The expression of the reelin gene and its various isoforms was studied using brain samples from postmortem patients of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Results indicated that there was a discernible reduction in the short reelin gene isoform proportion, which was lacking the C-terminal region, in bipolar disorder. Hence, the RELN, or more specifically its short isoform, is dysfunctional and that dysfunction can be associated with bipolar disorder (Ovadia and Shifman, 2011). Patterson et al. (2009) found a biological marker of bipolar disorder using sensory gating, and specifically the P85 gating ratio. Their goal was to discover if and how gating of an auditory brain potential at 85 ms (P85), which hadnt been previously tested, di ¬Ã¢â€š ¬erentiated patient groups and control groups. Patterson et al. collected P85 and P50 auditory evoked potentials from schizoa ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ective disorder patients, paranoid schizophrenia patients, and bipolar I disorder patients, and also from healthy control individuals. The results showed that the P85 gating ratio was dramatically greater in the bipolar group compared to any of the other groups; and the P50 gating ratio was dramatically greater in the schizoa ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ective group than it was in the control group, however it didnt di ¬Ã¢â€š ¬er from the ratio for the paranoid schizophrenia group or the bipolar group. Therefore, given the results, the P85 gating ratio might be a unique new biomarker for bipolar diso rder (Patterson, 2009). BD is associated with a number of genetic and possibly epigenetic abnormalities associated with neurotransmitter, hormonal and immunologically mediated neurobiological pathwaysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦HPA axis and immune system abnormalitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Duffy, 2012). This study completed by Duffy et al. basically reviews various biological indicators pertaining to susceptibility to bipolar disorder. Certain studies examined differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and also the immune systems of bipolar patients. In addition, there were implications to bipolar disorder found involving signal transduction processes within cells and also disruption within energy metabolism. Individuals at genetic risk provide a context for neurobiological findings and models concerning the onset and the progression of the illness are discussed. Overall, neuronal systems are dysfunctional in some ways in those with bipolar disorder, and because of this, things such as apoptosis concerning t he strain of the disorder and oxidative stress can occur, which obviously are not normal or healthy in any way (Duffy, 2012). Going in a little different direction, Kapczinski et al. (2009) studied recurrence of manic and depressive episodes and how it can contribute to the progression of the disorder. Neurobiological abnormalities may increase as episodes happen over and over, and as the number of episodes an individual has had increases, both treatment by medicine and by psychotherapy become less and less successful. This may be due to worsening dysfunction regarding insight, cognition, and relationships, and various other types of functioning. Also, the degree to which the illness has progressed can be assessed by the continuation of dysfunctioning throughout the fairly normal mood phases that bipolar patients experience (Kapczinski, 2009). Various indicators for bipolar disorder include, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦abnormalities in some biomarkers, such as brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), which may be related to neuronal and glial dysfunction (Kapczinski, 2009). These specifically are relevant to the possible staging of the disorder as increased levels of TNF-alpha and decreased serum levels of BDNF characterize patients in the later stages of the illness when examined in relation to those in the earlier stages. Therefore, if studies are replicated and more evidence supports differences significant enough to classify stages of bipolar disorder with unique treatment options and things of that nature, patients may not need to suffer unnecessarily and more success can be achieved towards the goal of relatively normal lives for these individuals (Kapczinski, 2009). Conclusion To conclude, there is much that has yet to be discovered regarding the causes and various indicators, biological and otherwise, of bipolar disorder. However, progress is most definitely being made, and there are many promising avenues to pursue in terms of achieving a greater understanding of this illness and how it is developed. From genetics and neurotransmitters which clearly play a significant role, to circadian rhythm factors which seem to be quite valid, this disorder has many influences. While it may seem at first to be a disorder triggered by environmental factors and various life events, it really is heavily biologically incorporated into those who suffer from this life altering and sometimes uncontrollable illness. As more studies are completed that test for various abnormalities, dysfunctions, and possibly even new types of differences within individuals who have bipolar disorder and those likely prone to developing it, more factors will be discovered and it is more than likely that a better grasp on the complexities of the illness are not too far away. To put it simply, though patients of this disorder may feel hopeless and beyond frustrated at times, researchers do not, and the day when the illness is entirely understood and treatment options are consistently effective will come sooner than some people might think.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Public Relatons Volvo Case Study :: essays research papers

â€Å"Best Drive in the Game†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1996, Volvo Trucks North America confirmed its worst appearance in the company’s 17-year history. Volvo market share had dropped from 11.1 percent in 1995 to 9.1 percent in 1996, and by the end of the year Volvo trucks were ranked sixth among eight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to prove the Volvo truck was the best choice for professional truckers, Volvo made the perfect decision to reach its targeted audience. Research of the day-to-day lives of truckers proved a common interest-Super Bowl XXXII. Volvo became the first truck manufacture to advertise during the Super Bowl. Volvo hired Carmicheal Lynch Public Relations and Carmicheal Lynch Advertising to handle the account. Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Research revealed the Super Bowl is the most-watched sports event among trucking professionals. More than 60 percent of trucking professionals stop to watch the game. â€Å"Smart Business† was identified as the most sought-after factor to re-build the Volvo name. The CLS research team reviewed articles about the trucking industry, the trucking profession, test drove trucks and collected information about Super Bowl advertising and promotions. Research concluded the targeted audience consisted of three million Class 8 over-the-road truck drivers in North America, 229 Volvo Trucks dealerships, 3,000 Volvo Truck employees and the general public. The research appears to be complete in the sense the product and the client were thoroughly researched and the audience was defined. Objectives 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increase awareness of Volvo Trucks and its VN Series, including the Volvo 770 and the company’s Volvo Trucks Super Bowl spot. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Entrench the desired brand perception of Volvo Trucks as the smart choice for today’s trucking professionals. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Generate trial of Volvo trucks. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Create multiple opportunities for Volvo truck dealers to interact with Volvo customers. The objectives are consistently impact objectives because they represent preferred results of modifying the attitudes and behaviors of targeted audiences. The objectives are not measurable because follow-up surveys and post phone calls were not used in the evaluation portion of the campaign and because the objectives do not give a numerical impression of how much they want to do something. However, the objectives could be measurable because the information gathered in the research portion of the campaign could serve as a benchmark if follow-up methods were used. Programming   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The strategy of the Volvo campaign included 5 aspects: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Create a sweepstakes program that generates sales leads and ensures that truck drivers will watch Volvo Trucks’ Super Bowl TV spot 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Generate awareness of Volvo Trucks’ involvement in the Super Bowl through media relations and paid advertising

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Amen. Actions and Consequences

Costa-Gavra’s â€Å"Amen. † is a thought-provoking film that combines political thriller, suspense and expose. â€Å"Amen†, translated in Hebrew as â€Å"So be it†, deals with three significant characters, both real and fictional, who act out different moral or ethical principles. These characters, Father Riccardo Fontana, Kurt Gerstein and Pope Pius XII, provide the audience with different perspectives on the dilemma about the genocide of millions of Jews during World War II, commonly known as â€Å"the Holocaust†.By reflecting on the lives, actions or personalities of these three characters, we would understand the ethical challenges, ethical principles and actions they have faced, considered and performed. Body Father Riccardo Fontana, played by Mathleu Kassovitz, is a junior diplomat and an idealistic Jesuit priest. Father Riccardo Fontana learned the life and sufferings of the Jews in the Nazi concentration camps (through the help of Kurt Gerst ein). He also learned that the American government inquired about the genocide of Jews through a letter addressed at the Vatican.He endeavoured or tried his best to alert the Vatican about the genocide of Jews in the Nazi concentration camps. He thought that his familial connections with the local priests and at the Vatican would bring in results or considerations from the Pope. He also thought that by directly stating the problems at the Nazi concentration camps to the Pope, he would be able to bring light to the problem and have the Pope do his part by making a public statement condemning the actions of the Nazis.However, in the end, he was not able to have the support of the Vatican. He lost his life; Father Riccardo Fontana died a martyr. Father Riccardo Fontana is a fictional character in the movie; however, I believe that he symbolizes the early life of Pope Pius XII. As a morally righteous priest, I believe that he wanted to ease the pain or sufferings of the Jews. As a diplo mat, I believe that he wanted to do things in a peaceful and legal manner. I also think Father Riccardo Fontana believes on deontological ethics.Deontological ethics or deontology refers to the method of applying ethics by focusing on what actions are right or wrong, regardless whether the consequences would right or not. This ethical principle is sometimes referred to as â€Å"obligation† or â€Å"duty† ethics. These are the reasons why I believe, Father Riccardo Fontana tried his best to alert the Pope, make a difference or bring the Jews help from the Vatican even if it means to sacrificing his own life for the sake of duty. If I were Father Riccardo Fontana, I would also inform or alert the Vatican, particularly the Pope.I would seek his assistance regarding the genocide of Jews and strongly emphasize my point that it is wrong and immoral. I would let them see that as priests, we should do our best to preserve life and peace all throughout the world, despite the di fferences in race or ethnicity. I would stand for the right of my fellow Jews, especially for their right to live. However, unlike Father Riccardo Fontana, I would seek or provide other kinds of help if all of the previous acts fail. I help the Jews by hiding them from the Nazis and I will ease their pain with my prayers.Subsequently, I will continue my efforts to make the authorities do their part. I will not have myself killed, not for selfish reasons, but because I know that dying won’t solve anything. If I die, I would no longer be able to help the Jews or the needy. If I die, I won’t be able to strengthen their morale and keep their spirits and hopes high. On the other hand, Kurt Gerstein, played by Ulrich Tukur, is a real character or individual, greatly devoted to his duty as a soldier and religious beliefs as a Protestant. He is a German SS officer on board the Waffen-SS during the World War II.He is also an intelligent scientist and member of the Institute for Hygiene who developed the gas Zyklon B for treating or curing the waters drank and used by Nazi soldiers. As a scientist, hygienist and developer of the Zyklon B, he only wanted to prevent illnesses or the spread of diseases among the Nazi troops. Unfortunately, Zyklon B was used to exterminate the Jews. Raised in a family of patriotic officers and soldiers with strong sense of responsibility, his obedience or compliance to authority cannot be doubted. However, after learning this horrible truth, his values as a Protestant dominated his sense of patriotism.He alerted the Protestant leaders, then the authorities, Swedish diplomats and also the Roman Catholic Church about the immoral acts committed by his superiors. He took actions similar to what Father Riccardo Fontana did and just like the efforts of Father Riccardo Fontana, Gerstein’s efforts were in awe. Conversely, I am convinced that he believes the same ethical principles as Father Ricardo Fontana. If I were Kurt Gerst ein, I would first try to reach a higher position in the Nazi party. I will do my best to reach that position as soon as possible because time is of the essence.After having power or authority, I would instantly see to it that the officers under my authority would provide help to the Jews. I would do this secretly or behind the radar of my superiors so that I can still have my power and my life for the service of those who are suffering. With my power and my life, I will provide more help or make more things morally right. Pope Pius XII, the most controversial character in the movie, is subjected to allegations of preserving his selfish-needs, economic interests, ambition and power by doing nothing regardless of knowing the horrible truth at the Nazi concentration camps.In this sense, allegedly, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in extension, committed passive sin. Somehow, watching the movie had made me scrutinize or contemplate on the faith and hope that I had for the Vatican or to the Pope. Putting myself in the shoes of Kurt Gerstein and Father Riccardo Fontana made me doubt that the religious authorities are not morally upright. However, considering the position of the Pope, I reclaimed my belief that he did not do anything wrong and that he only wanted greater good for a greater number of individuals or Jews in particular.As a prominent and religious leader, every action should be seriously weighed and the interests of those who are in need or prosecuted should be considered in order to prevent further harm done to them. Alerting the international public would disrupt the allegiance of the Vatican and the Nazi party and spark more tension. If the allegiance is lost and the Nazis are angered by the public statement or expose of their immoral acts, will the Vatican be able to address the retaliation of the Nazis? How can the Vatican keep Jews, provide food and shelter in chapels if the angered Nazis destroyed the Catholic chapels?Will the public state ment improve the situation of the prosecuted Jews? Will it stop a possible war? I don’t think. This is due to the fact that the Nazi party has great military power at that time to retaliate to any threat or opposition. Public protests against this inhumane party would only increase prosecution, not only of Jews but also Roman Catholics; and that would be further agonizing. I think that as a religious leader, a morally upright Roman Catholic and diplomat, Pope Pius XII did actions behind the eye of the public to help the Jews.I believe that Pope Pius XII believes in utilitarianism and because of this. Consequently, he suffered the pain of doing nothing because he knew that the consequences would be right or provide greater good. Conclusion Father Riccardo Fontana, Kurt Gerstein and Pope Pius XII are three interesting characters with varied perspectives when it comes to what is right or wrong. Father Riccardo Fontana and Kurt Gerstein believed in fulfilling their moral obligati ons while Pope Pius XII believed that â€Å"the end justifies the means†.The first two characters believed in doing things now and in considering consequences later while the third character was thinking of the consequences first before making an action. Somehow, I believe that the Holocaust or the genocide of millions of Jews in Nazi concentration camps, considering these two opposite ethical principles, is a dilemma. It is a dilemma where I believe, Pope Pius XII did the best choice. Works Cited Costa-Gavras, dir. Amen. Perfs. Ulrich Tukur, Mathieu Kassovitz. Kino International, 2002.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

keisey report Essay

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicated that my personality type is that of the Guardian Provides (ESFJ) and my character type is Provider (ESFJ). My results indicated that my personality is the cornerstone of society and that I have a natural talent in managing goods and services-from supervision to maintenance and supply. It also said that I believe in law and order. I take pride in being dependable and trustworthy. I can also be counted on to get the job done. I honor customs and traditions, meticulous about schedules; I’m not comfortable with winging it or blazing new trails. My results also indicated that I am cautious about change and when it comes to changes. I prefer to go slow and look before I leap. When it comes to the needs of people, especially those close to me I approach tasks in organized and thoughtful matter. It also said that I am a keeper of traditions like holidays, and I go out of my way to make sure people are cared and provided for. I totally agree with the results of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, my results couldn’t have been more accurate. I am a person who cares about others, and I have always said that I was born to serve. When it comes to my professional life, no job is beneath me. I am very loyal, a team player, a hard worker and sympathetic to the needs of others. To my surprise the results were very accurate when it said that I am sensitive to the feelings of others. I love to entertain although I may not be the host. I often find myself talking to others, making sure that the needs of the guest are taken care of and making sure that they are involved. I don’t like taking risk nor do I like major changes .What I think can really help me is to have an open mind when it comes to change. I do not agree with the results regarding personal criticism nor am I able to speak with confidence. I can definitely use this information in my work environment such as keeping an open mind to changes, not being quick to judge, and being very cautious.